Who the heck RU?
Leaving a Voicemail? Remember to include your name, the company you are calling from, and your best contact number. So endeth the lesson.
However, a review of Business Voice Mail Messages Examples reveals an amazingly high number of callers who omit one or more of these essentials.
Does it happen to you? Does your mind take a holiday when you have to leave a recorded message?
That’s when your fluent self turns into a scatterbrain. Words slowly emerge as if extracted from a clouded abyss. Occasionally a phrase is detected, faint but audible.
So before you make any business phone call prepare your mind to act and behave the way you should. Don’t re-act. Rehearse.
When you make a business call and get directed to leave a message your voicemail can be as simple as the following.
Voice: Hi, this is (your name) calling from (company name) about (briefly describe the reason for calling). My contact number is (insert mobile number). Thank you.
On the other side of the line your personal outgoing Voicemail message could say:
Voice: Hi this is (your name) from (department name) Please leave your name and contact number after the tone then rest assured your call will be returned.
Keep voicemail simple
If this all seems so terribly basic and simple, that’s because it is! You don’t have to re-invent the wheel.
There are loads of websites where you can find Business Voice Mail Messages Examples. Most will be variants on the above samples.
To go one step further in projecting your desired company image, and getting one-up on your competition have your Voicemail messages professionally produced by Media Group NZ, the business audio specialists.
Make a professional impact
Start by selecting a voice. Go online to hear samples of the male and female professional voice artists from Media Group NZ. Make your choice and request a free online quote.
While you’re in the mood, enquire about telephone audio packages to help maximise the marketing and image-building potential of your phone system.
Ask about Welcome Messages, On Hold Music and Messages, After Hours Messages, Auto Queue and Voicemail. It’s all here www.mediagroup.co.nz
Tags: Voicemail Message Examples, Creative Voicemail Greetings, Unique Business Phone Greetings, Free Female Voicemail Greetings, Professional Voicemail Greeting For Job Seekers, Company-Wide Voicemail Greeting, Inspirational Voicemail Greetings, Out Of Office Voicemail Message Examples For Holidays
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