Do you sound like you mean business?
When your company telephone rings what does the caller hear? Do you have a welcome message? If it’s after hours does the phone simply ring-out leaving the caller dangling at the end of the line?
What about when the call is placed “on hold”. Does the unfortunate individual get bombarded by whatever is playing on the local radio station? Or worse do you insist on boring people to death by subjecting them to inane computer-generated chimes?
Perhaps you prefer deadly silence. Nothing. Nil. Zilch. Zero. Infinite emptiness?
Imagine how this can wreck your image as a customer-oriented enterprise. When for a reasonably small outlay you could be presenting callers with Professional Phone Greetings from Media Group, the business audio specialists.
Let callers know you care
In life, few things are as frustrating as calling a business and then not getting through to someone, anyone who can help.
It doesn’t have to be so. You should immediately arrange to have Professional Phone Greetings installed on your firm’s phone system.
Begin at the very beginning by having a Welcome Message. A well-scripted, clean, clear recording perfectly spoken by a trained male of a female voice actor.
Then offer callers the time-saving convenience of an Interactive Voice Response known as an IVR. These recordings highlight options to allow the call to be directed to the correct department or desk. For Sales, Press 1. For Accounts, Press 2. Etc.
When times are busy and staff is occupied attending to other customers you simply must have an informative and entertaining program of On Hold Music & Messages.
This is not quantum physics
Having Professional Phone Greetings is common sense and essentially good business practice.
The specialists at Media Group can create a bespoke package of music and messages that will help you impress and retain callers.
You’ll convey special consideration for your customers and help reduce the number of callers who hang-up and possibly go off to a competitor.
Not a job for your cousin
Don’t be tempted to go DIY with your telephone greetings and messages. Get the most professional results from the leaders in the business. www.mediagroup.co.nz
Tags: Voicemail Message Sample, Short Voicemail Greetings Examples, Short Funny Voicemail Greetings, Free Voicemail Greetings For Business, Voicemail Greeting Generator, Business Voicemail Service, Creative Voicemail Greetings, Inspirational Voicemail Greetings
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