Phone messages can make you sound all wrong
We have all had that experience with the crumby voicemail greeting. You know the one that sounds like the person got out of bed in a bad mood and two gallons of coffee hasn’t helped ease the hangover.
Some might recommend “hair of the dog” to improve the mood and thereby the welcoming qualities of the voicemail.
After the aforementioned canine libation has been consumed re-recording should commence without delay.
As for the script, you need some ideas. To get things rolling you should hear some Personal Voicemail Greeting Examples For Cell Phone.
Hey Mr Telephone you sound so right
Research continues to show the importance of two things in phone messages. First the clarity of the wording. Secondly the choice of voice.
Some people are tempted to go the DIY route. Probably not a good idea for the average “joe”. Despite the proliferation of devices capable of recording good audio remember the script and the voice must reflect the business image you desire.
Scripting a typical voicemail greeting job requires the skills of a wordsmith. An expert at home with brevity in both fact and fashionable politeness.
Voicing your telephone greeting is a task for a professional voice over artist. This is no job for a rank amateur. That includes your uncle who used to be in the drama club or the receptionist at the front desk.
Make no mistake, when you compare Personal Voicemail Greeting Examples For Cell Phone you will readily identify the do-it-yourself variety.
No time to clown around bozo
Despite all the fun you can have to record your voice and listening to the playback your voicemail is no laughing matter.
Media Group NZ provides expert help with both script writing and voice recording for your telephone audio
When you team up with Media Group your scripts are written in response to your brief. So nothing is recorded without your approval. You are in total control.
With the script complete you need to choose the voice. Media Group make it easy. They’ll recommend male and female voice artists for you. Or you can go online and audition the myriad of voice over talent available through Media Group NZ.
Experience the best audio on your business phone. Start at www.mediagroup.co.nz
Tags: Small Business Voicemail Greeting Examples, Short Voicemail Greetings, Creative Voicemail Greetings, Free Voicemail Greetings, Short Funny Voicemail Greetings, Voicemail Greeting Generator, What Do You Say In A Personal Voicemail Greeting, Inspirational Voicemail Greetings
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