What is voice over recording?
Don’t just take any old voice. Get it right first time with Media Group. Start now at mediagroup.co.nz
Continue ReadingProfessional Voice Over Recordings
Don’t just take any old voice. Get it right first time with Media Group. Start now at www.mediagroup.co.nz
Continue ReadingVoice Over Marketplace For Voice Actors
You’ll have the voice artist(s). You’ll know if the price fits your budget. And if the talent is able to meet your production schedule. It’s all pin point accurate and oh so easy. Head to www.mediagroup.co.nz
Continue ReadingVoice Over Talent, Artists & Actors
The next time you are recording or need to change an existing recording be sure to click on www.mediagroup.co.nz
Continue ReadingMessages On Hold Pricing
Find out how you can improve the sound of our business with a quality program of On Hold Music and Messages. Click on to www.mediagroup.co.nz
Continue ReadingWorld’s 1st Voice Over Marketplace
When you need to hire professional voice artists, male or female, any age group, whether for broadcast media, cinema, company videos, e-learning, the internet, telephone messages or in-store announcements go to www.mediagroup.co.nz
Continue ReadingNew Zealand Voice Over Artists & Actors
You’ll get to hear samples of real New Zealand professional voice talent performing various reads from previous jobs. Your search will be targeted with voices classified by gender, age group and style. Head now to www.mediagroup.co.nz
Continue ReadingVoice Talent Agency Christchurch, Auckland & Wellington NZ
This is a special service from Media Group because we want to make sure you get the right voice, first time every time. Head along to www.mediagroup.co.nz
Continue ReadingVoice-over Services in Any Language
Follow the prompts and fill in the details on language required, length of script and intended use and we’ll work out the cost. We’ll recommend a voice for the job and send you a quote ASAP. To get started head to www.mediagroup.co.nz
Continue ReadingMultilingual Voice-over Services
Everything these days happens faster on line. It’s the same with translations and voice overs. Check out the Media Group website. Click. Bang it’s done. To get a free quote under way head to www.mediagroup.co.nz
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